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Givebutter's advanced reporting feature offers enhanced data visualizations, customizable metrics, and dynamic comparisons for real-time tracking of campaign, event, and fundraising performance. Easily create and share custom reports, filter data with greater precision, and automate scheduled reports for efficient analysis.
Creating a report ⚙️
To create a new report, click the New report button in the upper right corner of the Reports page. You'll be asked if you want to begin from a template or start from scratch. Both options are entirely customizable.
Report templates 🧩
You can select pre-built reports from a selection of templates for popular use cases. Template reports can be viewed, exported, and shared as-is, but you can also use them as a starting point and customize them to meet your needs.
LYBUNT (Last year but unfortunately not this year) reports help identify lapsed donors, making it easier to re-engage them and build a stronger support base. This can lead to more predictable revenue and better budgeting.
Report type: Contacts
Template parameters:
Filter – Transactions between 1/1 and 12/31 of last year
Filter – No transactions between 1/1 and 12/31 of this year
New Donors
New Donors
A new donor report helps assess campaign effectiveness, identify growth areas, and turn first-time donors into recurring supporters. Tailored communications can increase future engagement and strengthen your donor pipeline.
Report type: Contacts
Template parameters:
Data table – "First time supported at" column
Recurring Donations
Recurring Donations
A total recurring transactions report shows repeat donations, helps identify trends, and measures donor commitment. This helps keep donors engaged and build a steady stream of support.
Report type: Transactions
Filter – Transactions between 1/1 and 12/31 of last year
Filter – No transactions between 1/1 and 12/31 of this year
Recurring Donors
Recurring Donors
Recurring donor reports help forecast revenue, strengthen relationships, boost retention, and provide personalized outreach. This helps maximize donor potential, increase contribution amounts, and foster a stable donor base.
Report type: Contacts
Retained Donors
Retained Donors
A retained donor report tracks loyal supporters, identifies patterns, assesses engagement strategies, and identifies potential candidates for long-term giving.
Shows donors that have donated more than once, within the last two years.
Report type: Contacts
Filter – Has transactions between 1/1 of last year and 12/31 of this year
Filter – Has transactions count: greater than 1
Top Donors
Top Donors
Top donor reports help identify and strengthen relationships with your most impactful supporters. Personalized communication, updates, and recognition can deepen engagement and encourage continued support.
Report type: Contacts
Data table – "Total transacted", sorted most transacted to least transacted
Total Transactions
Total Transactions
A total transaction report gives you a clear picture of how much your organization has raised over a set period, tracks donor behavior, and helps time campaigns based on peak giving times for best results. It can also improve revenue forecasting.
Report type: Transactions
Reports created from a template will be shown as Created by Givebutter in your list of Reports.
Creating from scratch ✍
Select a category for the type of report you want to build:
Contacts – Create a contact-based report for all of your contacts.
Transactions – Create a transaction-based report for all of your transactions, including auction bids, donations, and tickets.
Building your report 🛠
Reports created from scratch or from a template must be given a unique name to proceed (limit 50 characters). You cannot create multiple reports with the same name, even if they have the same parameters.
To begin building your report, you'll have the option to edit the Report name you set, and add an optional description (no character limit).
Customizing the date range
To customize the date range of the visualization (as applicable) and the data table, you can configure custom date ranges.
For contact reports, the selected date range filters the table by the date a contact was created.
For transaction reports, the selected date range filters the table by the date a transaction was made.
Date range options include today, last 7 days, 14 days, 4 weeks, 3 months, 12 months, month-to-date, quarter-to-date, year-to-date, all-time, or a custom date range. If working from a template, you can still edit these dates.
Adding filters
To add filters to your data, click the Filter button. You can select multiple cumulative filters to further narrow down the information included. Available filter options differ based on the type of report category you're creating.
Full list of reporting filters (Transactions)
Full list of reporting filters (Transactions)
Team member
Payment status
Payment method
Check deposited
Creation type
External label
Auction item
Campaign matches
Plan ID
First name
Last name
Acknowledged at
Created at
Transacted at
Contact ID
Street 1
Street 2
Donor name
Recurring status
Campaign title
Creation source
Payment method
Check number
Team name
Team raised
Team member first name
Team member last name
Team member email
Team member phone
Team member raised
Donor first name
Donor last name
Donor email
Donor phone
Full list of reporting filters (Contacts)
Full list of reporting filters (Contacts)
First Name
Last Name
Primary Email
Primary Phone
Website URL
LinkedIn URL
Facebook URL
Total Contributions
Recurring Contributions
First Donation Date
Last Donation Date
Last Donation Amount
First Time Supporter At
Bidder Status
Widget Sign-ups
Trackable Messages
Received Mailing
Custom Fields
Last Communication Date
Created At
Total Transacted
Date of Birth
Donorsearch Rating
Major Gift Likelihood
Lowest External Gift Amount
Total Likely External Gift Amount
Annual Gift Likelihood
Transactions Count
Date Added
Team Member
Payment Method
Check Deposited
Creation Type
External Label
Auction Item
Campaign Matches
Team member
Campaign Members Count
Amount Raised
Fundraising Goal
Supporter Count
Date Registered
Tickets Count
Ticket Type
Custom Fields
Promo Code
Transaction Plan
Transaction Plans Count
Created On
Next Bill Date
Payment Method
Pledges Count
Amount Fulfilled
Remaining Balance
First Installment Date
Next Installment Date
Fulfillment Date
Installment frequency
Customizing the data table
Once you're happy with the filters applied to specify the contacts or transactions included in your report, you can customize the information shown in the report data table. Click the table icon to check or uncheck information to appear in your report.
Some column items include a graph/visualization icon. If your data table includes one or more of these, your report will include a graph. If your report doesn't include any of these columns, your report will not include a visualization.
Full list of data table options (Transactions)
Full list of data table options (Transactions)
First name
Last name
Transacted at
Plan ID
Acknowledged at
Created at
Contact ID
Street 1
Street 2
Donor name
Recurring status
Campaign title
Creation source
Payment method
Check number
Team name
Team raised
Team member first name
Team member last name
Team member email
Team member phone
Team member raised
Donor first name
Donor last name
Donor email
Donor phone
Full list of data table options (Contacts)
Full list of data table options (Contacts)
First name
Last name
Primary email
Contact since
Total transacted
Total donated
First donation date
Last donation date
Last donation amount
Date of birth
Website URL
What's the difference between adding filters and customizing the data table?
Filters narrow down the contacts or transactions included in your report.
Data table customizations add or remove information (columns) pertaining to the contacts or transactions that meet your report parameters.
Adding visualizations 📈
To generate a visualization for your report, click on the column you'd like to use to create the chart/visualization. In the dropdown menu, click Visualize.
By default, any reports containing visualizations will include both the current period (as defined by the selected date range) and the previous period as set by the custom date range. To remove a data set, click on the legend/title of the data you'd like to remove – clicking will strike it out and remove it from the chart.
To change the date range in the visualization, edit the date parameters for the report itself. The chart will then update to the new dates.
Saving a report 💾
To save your report, click the Save button at the top of the page. If you've edited an existing report, these edits will apply to any scheduled reports that you've already set up. A saved report will be stored in your dashboard.
You do not need to immediately download or send a report – you can save the report in your dashboard and come back to it later.
Exporting as a CSV 📨
To export your report as a CSV (spreadsheet) file, click the blue Share button in the upper right, and select Export CSV. A copy of your report will be sent to the email address you're logged in with.
Please note that CSV files do not support graphs/visualizations, if applicable to your report.
Sharing via email 📬
To send a report by email, click the blue Share button, then select Share via email.
On this page, you'll see a summary of this report, including:
The name of the report
Number of rows in the data table (records)
The report date range
Next, you'll be prompted to fill out the Subject and recipients (Send to) of this email – both of these are required fields. You can optionally add a message to include as well.
To email this report to admins on your Givebutter account, select them from the pre-loaded options, or click in the Send to box to see a list of all admins on your account.
To email this report to someone else, whether it's someone at your organization who isn't a Givebutter admin (or someone outside your organization entirely), you can click in the Send to field and type email addresses manually, separated by a comma.
By default, the frequency for this report will be set to send One time, and the send date will be set to Immediately. Clicking Send in the upper right corner will send this report right away.
Scheduling reports ⏰
To send a One time report at a later date and time, click On date. Here, you can select a date and time to automatically send the report in the future.
To send a report automatically on a pre-determined recurring schedule, select Recurring. This is an ideal choice for automating your reporting to organizational staff, admins, or board members.
Schedule options include:
Daily – Select the time to send the report
Weekly – Select the day of the week (ie. Monday) and time to send the report
Monthly – Select the day of the month (ie. 15th) and time to send the report
Scheduled reports will appear in a recipient's inbox with the customized Subject/Message and a download link. The link for a scheduled report is good for 72 hours, after which it expires and must be resent.
Is the default report date range a fiscal year or a calendar year?
The default report date range for most report templates is year-to-date (calendar year). Fiscal years can vary from organization to organization – you can customize your date range to suit your fiscal year as needed.
Why doesn't my report include a graph or visualization?
Your report doesn't include any data columns that support visualization. Data columns that support visualization are indicated by a small graph icon in the data table menu.
Reports created from scratch may not display a visualization by default. Click on the supported column heading for the data column you'd like to create a visualization for and click Visualize.
You exported as a CSV – unfortunately, CSV files do not support images.