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How to use Zapier for third-party integrations
How to use Zapier for third-party integrations

Connect Givebutter to hundreds of apps using Zapier’s advanced integration platform.

Alyssa avatar
Written by Alyssa
Updated over a month ago

Zapier lets you connect Givebutter to over 2,000 other web services. You can set up automated connections called Zaps in minutes with no coding. You can streamline your day-to-day tasks and build workflows between apps that otherwise wouldn't be possible.

Each Zap has one trigger app and one receiving app. The trigger sends information to the receiving app to initiate one or more actions automatically. Best of all, you can manage these automations right from your Givebutter dashboard.

Connect Givebutter to Zapier 🔗

  • Log into your Zapier account, or create a new account.

You'll need to create a Zapier account before you can connect to Givebutter. Premium apps, including Salesforce, require a paid Zapier plan. Paid plans start at $19.99 per month. Learn more about Zapier pricing

  • Once you've logged into your account, click My Apps in your Zapier dashboard.

  • Type "Givebutter" in the search bar to locate the Givebutter app, and click Connect.

connect givebutter app
  • Next, you'll be asked to enter your Givebutter API key, which is located on your Givebutter Integrations page under the API option.

If you haven't created an API key for use with Zapier yet, you can generate a new API key. For security, you will not be able to view a previously-created API key in the dashboard. You will need to create a new one.

  • Copy the API key from your Givebutter dashboard, and go back to Zapier.

  • Paste your API key into Zapier and click Yes, Continue to Givebutter.

paste api key
  • Once connected, the window will close. Your Givebutter account is now connected to Zapier!

Creating Zaps ⚡

You can conveniently create and manage Zaps directly in your Givebutter dashboard! Once Zapier has been connected to Givebutter, your Zapier account information will appear under the Zapier Integration tab.

You can use a pre-made Zap or create your own with the Zap Editor. Creating a Zap requires no coding knowledge, and you'll be walked step-by-step through the setup. Check out this list of Givebutter integrations to get an idea of everything that's possible.


  • New Campaign – triggers when a new campaign is created

  • New Transactions – triggers when a new transaction is created

  • New Ticket – triggers when a new ticket is issued

  • Updated Campaign – triggers when a campaign is updated


  • Create Contact – Creates a Contact. If there is a contact that already exists with the same First and Last Name, as well as the same Email Or Phone, we will automatically deduplicate and merge the contact, otherwise, a new contact will be created. If you'd like to always create a new contact regardless of the deduplication logic, pass the force_create parameter as true.

Templates + Use Cases 🤖

Below is a list of some common uses for Zaps with Givebutter, but you can also view a list of all available templates.

ActiveCampaign + Givebutter

Constant Contact + Givebutter

Google Sheets + Givebutter

Gratavid + Givebutter

Hubspot + Givebutter

IgnitePost + Givebutter

Mailchimp + Givebutter

Moosend + Givebutter

QuickBooks Online (Requires a paid Quickbooks plan) + Givebutter

Salesforce + Givebutter (Premium app requiring a paid plan)

Salsa Engage + Givebutter

Slack + Givebutter

Typeform + Givebutter

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