You can add text and images, embed video content, and include links to other websites from your Page or Event campaign's Story editor! This is a great place to add extra information about your campaign, your organization, and how donor support will make a difference. It's also an ideal place to add sponsors for your campaign.
Edit your campaign story ✏️
In your dashboard, select Campaigns from the left-hand sidebar to get the full list, then click on the campaign you'd like to edit.
You'll be taken to the Details tab.
Scroll to the bottom of the page. You'll find the Story section located here.
Composer options ✉️
Add text and images, embed video content, include links to other websites, and more!
Concerned about typos? Our built-in spellcheck tool prevents errors across all text editor locations in Givebutter.
Undo and Redo
Paragraph – options for body text and headings
Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikethrough
Text Color – choose colors for your text from a preset, or enter a custom color
Link – enter a URL to link to, the text to display, and a title (displayed on hover)
Canva – use our native integration with Canva to add custom graphics
What is Canva? Canva is a free graphic design app that you can use to create images or slides for outbound messaging, campaign Story sections, or Team Member profiles. After clicking the Canva icon, you'll be asked to log in or create a free account. You can then create graphics to Publish and add to your Story!
Image – insert an image via URL (Source) or Upload
Maximum image width is 600 pixels and size is 5MB
To make an image into a clickable hyperlink, insert your image, click on the image so it's selected, then click the Link icon in the menu bar to enter the link you'd like it to point to.
Media – insert video content via URL or embed code
Have your own video file? You'll need to upload it to a video platform like YouTube before you're able to link it in your story.
List options – numbered lists and bullet points
Horizontal divider line
Source code – insert custom code (ie. custom HTML)
Don't forget to click Save when you're finished! Your Story section will appear below the Cover Photo, Goal Bar, and Event details sections, if applicable.
Story examples 👀
Want to check out some live example campaigns for inspiration?
Adding campaign sponsors 💰
Most organizations find that adding sponsors (and their logos) to the Story section is the best location, since Givebutter campaigns do not have a dedicated place to upload sponsor information. You can add sponsors a few different ways.
Create a graphic including all your sponsor logos (Max image width: 1200px. Max file size: 5MB). This also gives you more flexibility with formatting and branding options. Example campaign →
Create a graphic listing your sponsors – works best if you have many individuals. (Max image width: 1200px. Max file size: 5MB.) Example campaign →
List your sponsor names as text. Link out to their websites using the URL/link formatting option.
Insert sponsor logos individually using the image inserter. Example campaign →
Some organizations prefer positioning sponsors front and center on their campaign – you can also add sponsors to your Cover Photo so they appear at the top of the page!
How do I update or add images to my personal story?
If you are a team member, you'll want to take a look at our separate guide for editing your personal team member story – this guide is specific to the overall campaign story.
Can I add custom scripts, or Javascript to my campaign's Story section?
No – custom scripts and Javascript are not supported in a campaign Story section.
Can I edit the font used in the story section, or edit the text on the "Story" heading?
Not currently, but please see the feature request for using custom fonts in the story section and the feature request for custom headings on campaigns. Add a vote if these are features you'd like to see in the future!
Can I embed an Instagram reel or an audio file in my campaign story?
Unfortunately, the story section does not support embedding Instagram reels or audio files at this time.
Can I embed YouTube Shorts in my campaign story?
Yes, however, the standard "shorts" URL will not work. Replace the word "shorts" with "embed" in the URL, and the video should be embedded correctly. For example, "" should be changed to ""
I embedded a YouTube video that's displaying "related videos" from other accounts at the end of my video, or when my video is paused. Can I disable that?
Yes – you'll need to add "?rel=0" to the end of your video's URL in the embed code to prevent related videos from other accounts from appearing. You can also follow this video guide for detailed steps.
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