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How to use campaign updates

Keep your followers up to date on your campaign progress by posting an update right to the supporter feed.

Alyssa avatar
Written by Alyssa
Updated over a month ago

Campaign updates are public posts added by an admin and displayed in the supporter feed on your Page or Event campaign page. You can pin them to the top of the supporter feed or leave them in chronological order among posts left by donors.

You can post campaign updates to add encouraging messages as you approach your fundraising goal, share important campaign information, or generate excitement with your donors.

example campaign update

Posting an update 📢

  • Log in to your dashboard, click on Campaigns, then select the campaign you'd like to post an update for.

    select campaign
  • Head to the public-facing campaign page by clicking the URL or the View button in the upper right corner.

view URL
  • At the top of the supporter feed, under your Donate button, click New Campaign Update.

new campaign update button
  • Create your campaign update. Add images, GIFs, embedded videos, links, and more!

campaign update composer
  • Select if you want to pin this update to the top of the supporter feed. (You can also pin or unpin the update later on.)

  • If you have Engage enabled on your account, you'll be given the option to email the update to your campaign followers. Followers include anyone who has donated, purchased a ticket, or is a team member on a campaign. If you check this box, you must select an email sender address from the options you've added to your account. You can also see an example of what this email will look like in the FAQ section.

If emailed, recipients can opt out of receiving future campaign updates by following the link at the bottom of the campaign update email. Click here to learn more about unsubscribes.

  • Click Add Update to post it!

Managing updates ✏️

Click the [...] in the upper right-hand corner of a campaign update to:

  • Pin / Unpin – pin or unpin the update to the top of the supporter feed for visibility

  • Edit update – make changes to the campaign update

  • Delete update – remove the campaign update from the supporter feed

options menu for editing an update


I don't have the option to post a campaign update.

This is likely because you have a Form campaign (these do not include a Supporter Feed), or you aren't logged in as an admin or editor.

Can I hide all the updates? Can I hide the whole supporter feed?

Posts automatically added as the result of a donation are not considered campaign updates – campaign updates are posted in the supporter feed and only refer to posts added by an admin. You can also hide the entire supporter feed if you like.

A campaign update for a goal milestone was posted, but I didn't add it.

If you have a goal set on your Event or Page campaign, percentage announcements will automatically post to the supporter feed as you hit the fundraising milestones of 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% of your goal. These automatic updates cannot be turned off, but you can hide them from your supporter feed at any time. Read more about campaign goals here!

50% goal

What does the email look like if I select Email this update to campaign followers?

The email update is formatted similarly to a regular Engage email. It'll include your brand color as a header and your organization's logo. The Campaign Update message will be in the email's body text, as in the example below.

email example

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