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How to sign up and create a Givebutter account

Walk-through of the sign up process, and the difference between your account and your user profile.

Sunny avatar
Written by Sunny
Updated over 5 months ago

Welcome to Givebutter! We've put together a series of articles to get you up and running, but always remember that you can send us a message any time. Let's jump in!

Sign up for a new account 💛

To sign up for a new account on Givebutter, go to our signup link or click Sign Up anywhere on the Givebutter website.

signup page

Organization tab 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

On the first tab, you'll be asked to register as one of the following:

  • Nonprofit – if you're a tax-exempt organization with an EIN

  • Other – if you're another type of organization

  • Individualas of December 28, 2022, individuals may only donate to or fundraise on behalf of a nonprofit or other organization and cannot create their own fundraising accounts

If you're registering as a nonprofit, but your EIN isn't found in our system, please ensure that you have an active profile with GuideStar, which is a nonprofit database.

If you choose Other as your organization type, you are still able to enter an EIN and verify your nonprofit at a later date. If you verify an Other account, your account type will automatically be changed to Nonprofit in our system.

Depending on the option you choose, you'll be asked for some additional information, including your organization's website. If your organization doesn't have a website, you can enter a social media profile, or

Personal tab 👤

Next, you'll be asked for your name and email, and you'll set your password. This information creates your user profile, which you'll use as your login information.

There is no need to share login information with others – your information will remain private, and you can add more admins and editors to the account later.

Click Sign up to finish the process. You'll be redirected to your dashboard, where you can customize your account and start your first campaign!

After sign-up ✅

Signing up automatically creates an Account (the organization you are representing) and a user profile called My Profile (your personal information). If you need to manage or view your profile, you can click your profile picture in the top right corner of the Dashboard and select My Profile from the drop-down.

Create an account from an existing account 👯

Every user on Givebutter can be a member of unlimited accounts. You can create, manage, and switch between accounts without having to set up multiple users and passwords – a single login gives you access to each account. To create a new account when you have an existing account:

  • From your dashboard, select the dropdown arrow next to your account name.

    choose account
  • Then click Create new account. This will direct you to the same signup process shown earlier in this article.

    create new account
  • Once you've completed setup, you'll be able to toggle between your accounts by clicking the dropdown toggle on your dashboard!

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