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How to use multi-team fundraising

All about enabling and managing multi-team fundraising on your Page or Event campaign.

Alyssa avatar
Written by Alyssa
Updated over 3 months ago

About multi-team fundraising 🧑‍🤝‍🧑

Team member fundraising on Givebutter is often called “peer-to-peer fundraising” by many in the nonprofit industry. Multi-team fundraising takes this one step further by adding the ability to organize these team members into groups (separate teams) to compete against each other, rather than on an individual level. Multi-team member fundraising can be used on any Page or Event campaign.

Team members are not admins and do not have access to your dashboard. If you want to add or manage account admins or editors, please read our article about managing account users.

What's the difference between team member and multi-team fundraising?

  • Team member fundraising only allows individual team members to join a campaign. They compete on one level, peer-to-peer.

  • Multi-team fundraising has teams that include individual team members. Teams compete against other teams.

Example multi-team fundraisers 🏆

  • School classrooms or grade levels – ideal for organizing students (team members) in different classes (teams)

grade level multi teams
  • Corporate challenges – ideal for organizing staff participants (team members) in different companies (teams)

Enabling multi-team fundraising 💡

On any Page or Event campaign, click on the Team tab at the top of your campaign manager. Click on the Members tab, then click Enable team fundraising. Next, click the Teams tab and click Enable Team Fundraising.

These options must both be enabled to add a Team Leaderboard and Team Members section to your campaign page.

Enabling these options will add a Team Leaderboard and Team Members section to your public campaign page. You can join the campaign yourself or invite members!

Adding team members ➕

Manually creating teams 👪

From the Team tab, select Teams from the sub-menu and then click Add Team.

Once a team has been made (either by a team member or an account admin), only an account admin can change the team name, goal, or logo or delete the team.

Other options ⚙️

Navigate to the Team tab, and then click Other options in the sub-menu.

Team fundraising settings

  • Enable or disable team fundraising – If disabled, the Team Member section will be removed from your campaign, but members will not be deleted.

  • Enable public Fundraise button – Turning this off will remove the "Fundraise" button on your campaign page. You can still invite team members to join via email or link.

  • Custom Fundraise button text – Edit the text displayed on the "Fundraise" button on your campaign page.

Multi-team fundraising settings

  • Enable or disable multi-team fundraising – If disabled, the Team Leaderboard section will be removed from your campaign, but members will not be deleted, and the campaign will be reverted to the team member format (without separate teams).

  • Allow fundraisers to create new teams – Turn this off if you don't want team members to be able to create new teams when joining your campaign.

  • Limit per team – Set a limit to the number of members that can join a team. Leave blank for no limit.

If you toggle Allow Fundraisers to Create New Teams to the off position, you'll want to create teams manually before inviting anyone to join, since those invited will not be able to create or name their own teams.

Moving team members between teams 🔄

  • Navigate to the relevant campaign and select the Team tab.

  • Click Members in the sub-menu, and click the three dots [...] next to the team member you'd like to move.

  • Select Edit from the dropdown menu.

  • In the sidebar, select the team you'd like to assign the team member to, and click Save.

Crediting a transaction to a team member ✅

When a donation is credited to a team member, the credit appears in the Supporter Feed, is added to the team member's fundraising total, and impacts their standing on the leaderboard. Team members are also notified of each transaction credited to their team member profile. Sometimes, a donor will forget to credit a team member, or a credit needs to be edited after a transaction is processed.

  • Navigate to the Transactions tab in your dashboard.

  • Find the transaction you'd like to credit the team member for, then click on the white space to the right of the donor's name. (Do not click on the donor name itself.)

  • A transaction panel will appear to the right of your screen. In the Member section, click on Credit Team Member. Type in the name of the team member and then click Save.

If you have multi-team fundraising enabled, you'll need to assign the transaction to the correct team (and Save) before you credit the individual team member (and Save).

If you don't know which Team a Team Member is on, you can see this information under the Teams tab – search for the Team Member's name, and click View under the three dots [...]. If you do not select the correct Team before crediting the Team Member, you may get an error message.

team member error message

Deleting a team member 🙅

  • Navigate to the relevant campaign and select the Team tab.

  • Select Members in the sub-menu.

  • Click the three dots [...] next to the team member you'd like to remove and select Delete from the dropdown menu.

  • Click Delete to confirm.

If you delete a team member, any transactions credited to them will stay with your campaign and become unassigned. You can reassign the transactions to a different team member or let them remain as a credit to the team in general.

Deleting a team 🗑

  • Navigate to the relevant campaign and select the Team tab.

  • Select Teams in the sub-menu.

  • Click the three dots [...] next to the team you'd like to remove and select Delete from the dropdown menu.

  • Click Delete to confirm.

If you delete a team, the team members will still remain as part of your fundraiser. You can assign team members to a different team or delete them.

Disabling multi-team fundraising ❌

If you want to turn off multi-team fundraising and remove the Teams section from your campaign, head to the Team tab in your campaign manager.

Under the submenu, click Other options. Disable the toggle for Enable multi-team fundraising. This will remove the Teams section from your campaign page, but if you have team members, they will remain on the campaign page. You can disable this option separately.

Disabling multi-team fundraising doesn't delete team information. Enabling multi-team fundraising will make your teams visible on the campaign page again.


My campaign doesn't have a Team tab at the top!

This is probably because your campaign is a Form campaign. Team features are only available on Page and Event campaigns. The good news is that you can easily change your campaign type at any time!

I need to credit a donation to a team member on a different campaign.

Unfortunately, while you can change the team member a donation is credited to, it's not possible to move transactions between separate campaigns. You'll need to issue a refund and ask the donor to submit the transaction to the correct campaign.

Can I edit the Team Leaderboard or Team Members section headings?

Not at this time. You can only edit the text that displays on the Fundraise button, which is the button a visitor can use to sign up as a Team Member on your campaign. It is not possible to edit the other headings in this section.

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