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How to create and edit tickets
How to create and edit tickets

Customize and edit your tickets via the campaign manager in your dashboard

Alyssa avatar
Written by Alyssa
Updated over 2 weeks ago

If you are running an Event campaign, you can sell unlimited tickets, including entry tickets (ie. general admission, VIP), as well as raffle tickets or items for sale! These are highly customizable and can even include an image. You can sell tickets via your campaign page, or embed the checkout on your own website.

Looking for information on managing tickets you've already sold? Click here!

Create tickets ➕

  • Select your Event campaign and navigate to the Event tab. (If you aren't seeing the Event tab, try switching your campaign type to Event.)

  • Select the Tickets tab on the left-hand side.

  • Click New ticket to create a new ticket.

new ticket

A sidebar will appear where you can enter or edit the details of the ticket including the following options:

  • Ticket name (required) – will be shown in the checkout flow as the title

  • Ticket type – this option will only display if you are hosting a Hybrid Event and wish to differentiate between In Person or Digital tickets

  • Description (optional) – additional information displayed under the ticket name and price

  • Upload an image (optional) – Add an image to this ticket type, to be displayed in the checkout with the description

  • Price – the price of the ticket, or tick the checkbox if this is a free ticket

  • Quantity - the number of these tickets you have available, or tick the checkbox if you don't want to limit the quantity

  • Bundle only

    • Toggle on – ticket will not be available for individual sale, and can only be purchased as part of a bundle

    • Toggle off (default) – ticket can be purchased as an individual ticket in the checkout, or added to ticket bundles

  • Set as live – toggle on to set this ticket live for purchase on your campaign

Ticket custom fields 🎟

Ticket custom fields allow you to collect additional information based on the specific types of tickets purchased by a supporter. You can add fields that allow for text or numeric responses, checkboxes for yes/no responses, clickable links, or fields that allow the donor to select their response(s) from a single or multi-select dropdown. We also have a file upload option, so your supporters can upload a document or image when purchasing a ticket.

ticket custom fields
  • You can create new ticket custom fields from both the New ticket or Edit/Update ticket sidebars.

  • Near the bottom of the sidebar, click Add next to the Custom fields option.

add custom field
  • Choose from the following options:

    • Text – Short or long (paragraph) answer text box.

    • Number – Numeric input, with the option to input a default or display as a percentage.

    • Checkbox – Checkbox for indicating a yes/no answer, with the option to set a default value (checked or unchecked).

    • Option – Single (single option dropdown menu) or multi-select (checkbox).

  • Hide field – Indicate if you'd like to use this field internally only (admin purposes) or visible to all supporters in the checkout.

Using Hide field you can create private custom fields that are only visible to admins. These can be used for internal purposes like table or seat section assignments.

  • Apply to all tickets –  Indicate if you'd like this custom field to apply to all tickets on this campaign or just the ticket you are currently editing.

  • Required field –Indicate if you'd like this custom field to be required or optional.

  • Save your edits when you're done.

If you've also set campaign-level custom fields, these will appear in addition to ticket custom fields. Ticket custom field answers will appear in a Tickets export, as well as in the Ticket sidebar if a transaction is clicked on.

File uploads 📁

File uploads are supported as a per-ticket custom field, and apply to each ticket separately. After files are uploaded during the ticket checkout process, you can view, replace, or delete them per-ticket on the Tickets page. Click on the relevant ticket, and in the sidebar that appears, scroll to the bottom of the ticket details to find the Custom fields section.

Files must be under 5MB each. Supporters are notified of the file size limit and supported file types in the checkout flow.

Supported file types

  • Image formats:

    • jpeg – Commonly used for photos

    • png – Good for images with transparency

    • svg – Scalable vector graphics, ideal for logos and illustrations

  • Document formats:

    • pdf – Portable documents, suitable for sharing and preserving formatting

    • doc/docx – Microsoft Word documents

    • pptx – Microsoft PowerPoint presentations

    • rtf – Rich text format, supports various text styles

  • Data formats:

    • csv – Simple text format for spreadsheets and databases

    • xlsx – Microsoft Excel spreadsheets

    • text – Plain text files

We also offer the option to upload files directly to a contact profile with Givebutter Plus – our paid subscription service that gives you access to buttery advanced features to help you raise more. Read more about Givebutter Plus

Add HTML links 🔗

Ticket custom fields can contain an optional description. Descriptions allow the use of HTML, which is ideal if you'd like to add a link to a waiver, disclaimer, or terms. You can use the following HTML to add a clickable link that opens in a new tab:

<a href="HYPERLINK" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">TEXT</a>

Replace HYPERLINK with the web address for the link (keep the quotation marks), and replace TEXT with the text you'd like to appear as a clickable link. It'll look something like this:

custom field showing a link

You can use the following template in the description field to replicate the example shown above:

Please read and agree to our <a href="URL TO TERMS HERE" target="_blank" 
rel="noopener noreferrer">terms of service</a>.
terms example

What are "target" and "noopener noreferrer"? Can't I juse use normal <a> links?

  • Target tells the browser how to open the link. Blank opens the link in a new tab so donors are not directed away from the checkout.

  • Noopener noreferrer sets a secure relationship (rel) between your browser and the URL to prevent phishing attempts and is highly recommended.

Ticket bundling 🧺

Bundles allow donors and event attendees to purchase multiple tickets (the same or different types) in a single transaction. Ticket bundles are ideal for simplifying the purchase of raffle tickets, tables, and sponsorships for your event. Read more about ticket bundling →

Sort and search tickets 🔎

If you have many types of tickets on a single campaign, you may find it easier to manage your tickets by searching for tickets in the search bar or sorting them! Click on the headings for Name, Bundle Quantity, or Price to sort your tickets.

Edit tickets ✏️

If you want to edit your existing tickets, click the three dots [...] next to a ticket, then click Edit.

edit ticket

You can make changes at any time, but they will not retroactively apply to tickets that have already sold. You'll also see the option to toggle the ticket's Available for purchase status on and off.

  • Available for purchase toggled on: Ticket is included in the checkout flow and can be purchased.

  • Available for purchase toggled off: Ticket is not included in the checkout flow and cannot be purchased. Any previously purchased tickets will not be affected.

Edit ticket custom fields

Some ticket custom fields that have been added to a ticket type can be edited without affecting or removing previously submitted responses.

Multi-select field answers cannot be edited or removed after being created, but you can create new answer options. You can also delete the field entirely and create a new one.

  • On your Tickets page, click the three dots [...] next to the Ticket you'd like to edit.

edit ticket
  • Scroll to the bottom of the sidebar and click on the Edit icon on the right side of a custom field. You can make any necessary changes.

edit custom field

Did you know you can also edit ticket custom field responses after a donor has submitted their transaction?

Organize or reorder tickets 🔄

You can change the display order of tickets as they appear in the checkout flow on your campaign! Click Actions, then select Organize.

A sidebar will open on the right side of the page, including a list of your tickets. Drag and drop them to rearrange them, and make sure to Save when you're done.

Delete tickets ❌

If you want to delete a ticket, click the three dots [...] next to the relevant ticket and click Delete.

You are only able to delete a ticket that has never sold. If clicking the trash can icon does not work, this is because at least one of the tickets has sold. To remove it from the checkout flow, toggle it to inactive instead.

Ticket FAQ 🤔

Can I schedule start or end dates for ticket sales?

No, this isn't currently possible. If you would like ticket sales to start or end at a particular time, you will need to change the status manually (active vs. inactive) Please add a vote to our feature request for this option!

What does a ticket receipt or PDF ticket look like when issued, and what's included?

Once purchased, the buyer will receive an emailed receipt like all other transactions on Givebutter. The receipt will include ticket purchase and event details. The ticket PDF attached to the email includes their unique ticket QR code, purchase information, event information, ticketholder information, and the ticket type purchased.

ticket example

If the email address entered for the overall purchase and a specific ticket are different, the ticket recipient will be sent a receipt/ticket email that does not include pricing information.

ticket recipient

I'm only selling tickets. Can you remove the optional donation step from the checkout?

Yes! Please contact our team, and we'd be happy to disable the optional donation step/page on your campaign. Please note that this will turn your campaign into a tickets-only campaign.

Can you set a total quantity / capacity for an entire event?

Yes! This is done by special request. Please contact our team with the total number of tickets you would like to be able to sell, across all tickets, and we'd be happy to manually set that for you.

Why do donors need to enter their contact info twice when buying tickets?

This is because the billing information and the information of the ticket holder often differ, and this allows donors to purchase tickets on behalf of others and send them directly to the guest's email address. Unfortunately, this cannot be disabled at this time.

Can promo codes be used with tickets?

Yes! Offer a percentage or fixed discount amount on your tickets by creating a promo code in your campaign manager. To create bundled tickets with an overall discount, create a ticket bundle.

What do "sold out" tickets look like in the checkout flow?

When all available tickets are sold out (per ticket type), they will display the text "SOLD OUT" instead of the price:

sold out ticket

How do I give free tickets as part of sponsor packages?

You'll want to create an internal promo code for a 100% discount. Once someone pays for a sponsor package, you'll create an offline transaction for them. In that transaction, you'll have them "purchase" the number of tickets they are getting for free with their sponsorship and make sure to apply the 100% discount promo code. This will generate digital tickets in our system at zero cost. Make sure you have the correct contact email for the sponsor, as digital tickets are sent via email.

Who will receive a PDF ticket via email?

Guests who purchase tickets for Hybrid or In-Person events will receive emailed tickets with QR codes. Guests with tickets for Digital events will not receive a PDF ticket with a QR code.

Can I keep accepting donations but stop selling tickets?

Yes! Under the Event tab and the Ticket menu, click the three dots next to the relevant ticket, then click Edit. In the sidebar, toggle the Available for purchase status to the off position. Remember to Save!

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