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How to get started with Engage

Send targeted email and text messages to your supporters based on their donation history and demographics

Max Friedman avatar
Written by Max Friedman
Updated over a week ago

Engage is Givebutter's built-in messaging feature for creating customized outbound emails and SMS messages. Engage will always be completely free. To access Engage, visit the Engage tab in your dashboard.

Engage is automatically activated for verified nonprofit accounts. Accounts that are not verified will need to first Request Access on the Engage tab.

engage banner

What can Engage do?

Targeted Emails 🎯

Go beyond your campaigns and filter all your contacts, ticket holders, and supporters by their giving history, campaign activity, location, and more to create highly targeted lists.

Campaign Updates πŸ“Œ

Keep your campaign supporters in the loop by sending email updates, as well as posting and pinning the same updates to your campaign’s supporter feed.

Email Editor πŸ“

Say goodbye to complicated email editors. We've streamlined the process by taking everything you love about our campaign story editor and creating our easy-to-use email editor.

Set your logo, brand color, and custom domain once, and then start sending your on-brand emails from your own email address.

Message ROI πŸ’›

See the direct impact of your messages by tracking statistics like opens, bounces, and click-through rates to optimize your messages further.

Contacts Integration πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘¦β€πŸ‘¦

Right inside your Givebutter dashboard, you can track all of your contacts and each contact’s message engagement.

Using the same targeted lists you create for email, you can engage with your supporters by sending SMS text messages.

Ready to get started? 🏁

You'll first need to request access to Engage if you aren't a verified nonprofit. Once you can access Engage:

Additional resources βž•

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