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How to configure a Page campaign

Run a powerful fundraising Page with social sharing, peer-to-peer fundraising, and a robust supporter feed.

Alyssa avatar
Written by Alyssa
Updated over a week ago

Create your campaign βž•

  • To create a new Page campaign, click on New Campaign in your dashboard.

new campaign
  • A window will appear where you can select your desired campaign type. Select Start a Page.

  • Enter a title for your new campaign. If you want to offer team member fundraising, click the checkbox next to Enable Peer-to-Peer fundraising. You can turn this on or off later if you need to.

  • Click Create Campaign.

You can switch campaign types or edit the title of your campaign if you change your mind later on.

Customize your campaign ✏️

Your new Page campaign has seven tabs where you can configure information and settings.

numbered tabs

Details πŸͺ§

  • Title – Change your campaign title.

  • Subtitle – Large, bold text that appears at the top of your page.

  • Goal – Set a campaign goal to be displayed on your campaign. Read more about campaign goals β†’

  • Theme color – Set a theme color for your Form campaign. This color is used as a gradient background for your Form, as well as the goal bar, and other accents. If toggled off, the default is a black gradient. Read more about theme colors β†’

  • Cover Photo – Add an optional cover photo, animated GIF, or video embed to your campaign. Recommended dimensions are 1200 x 630px, and the maximum supported photo size is 1MB. Embedded videos must be hosted on a supported platform and the privacy setting must be Unlisted or Public. Read more about using video as your cover photo β†’

  • Story – Add a story to your campaign. This appears below the title, subtitle, cover photo, and goal, as applicable. Read more about campaign Story sections β†’

If you're embedding your Page campaign on an external site, please note that the goal bar and story will not appear in an embedded Widget.

no description

Team πŸ‘©πŸΎβ€πŸ€β€πŸ‘¨πŸ½

Ready to get started with our powerful peer-to-peer fundraising feature? Learn about how to enable multi-team and team member fundraising!

    • Manually add team members to your campaign

    • Remove team members from your campaign

    • View team member progress

    • View team member pages

    • Edit team member display names

    • Edit team member profile pictures

    • Change the team a team member is on

    • Edit team member personal goal amounts

    • Edit team member stories

    • Enable and manage Multi-Team Fundraising

    • Manually create new teams

    • Remove teams

    • Export team stats

    • View team pages

    • Edit team names

    • Edit team goal amounts

    • Edit team URLs

  • More Options

    • Enable/Disable Team Fundraising

    • Edit the fundraise button's text

    • Enable/Disable Multi-Team Fundraising

    • Toggle on/off team members' ability to create new teams

    • Limit the number of members per team

    • View pending team member invites that haven't been accepted

Manually added team members cannot manage their own team member page! If you want someone to have autonomy over their profile picture, name, goal, story, etc. you must invite them and have them create their own login.

Event 🎟️

You won't use this tab for a Page campaign, but you can change your campaign type to an Event if you would like to use these features!

Sharing 🀳


Please note that you cannot currently use a custom domain or remove the prefix for your campaign. To host your Form campaign on your own website, you'll need to embed it as a Widget.

  • Scan-to-donate – Download a unique QR code that points to your campaign. Read more about using Scan-to-donate β†’

  • SEO Settings – Customize how your campaign appears on social media. Read more about SEO settings β†’

    • SEO title and description– SEO title and description override your campaign details. If left blank, the SEO settings will default to your campaign's title and description.

    • SEO image – This is the image displayed when sharing on social media. If not set, the image will default to your account's cover photo. For social media, there will be no preview image if you don't set one.


Create and configure embeddable Widgets to install on your own external website. Donors can submit a transaction directly on your site, without being redirected. Read more about using Widgets β†’

Tools πŸ› οΈ

Payment settings

Configure the payment options available on your campaign.

  • Accepting payments – Turn this off if you'd like to close the ability to make payments but keep your page publicly viewable.

  • Require phone numbers – Phone numbers are optional at checkout by default. Turning this on will always require supporters to enter their phone numbers.

  • Require billing address – Some payment methods (like PayPal and Venmo) don't require billing addresses. Turning this on will require supporters to always enter their billing address. Billing address is always required for card payments.

  • Allow supporters to select to pay via check – Turning this on will include an additional option for supporters to mail you a check.

    • If enabled, you will be required to add check mailing instructions.

Donation settings

Customize and configure donation frequencies and suggested donation amounts.

  • Frequencies – Choose which frequencies will be displayed to donors. If you select multiple options, you can select a default option to auto-populate. Read more about recurring donations β†’

  • Suggested amounts – Customize suggested donation amounts and add optional descriptions for each frequency. Read more about custom donation amounts β†’

    • Other – Allow donors to enter their own amount.

    • Minimum donation – Require a minimum donation amount per transaction.

Recurring donations may need to be enabled on your account before you can add multiple frequencies to your campaign.

Fund settings

Manage your campaign level fund configurations. Read more about using funds β†’

  • Display fund selection – Turning this off will hide the fund selector from your form. If you selected a default fund above, it will apply to all transactions.

  • Default campaign fund – Set a default fund, if applicable.

Custom fields

Add custom fields (custom questions) to your campaign to collect additional information from your donors at the time of checkout, from t-shirt sizes to dietary preferences. Read more about using custom fields β†’

Auction 🏦

The Auction tab can be used with both Pages and Events. If you want to add one to your campaign, click Add Auction. Read more about configuring an auction β†’

Settings βš™οΈ


  • Publish campaign – Make this campaign publicly viewable and live. You cannot un-publish a campaign once you've started raising money.

  • Campaign type – Change your campaign type. Read more about changing campaign types β†’


  • End date – Add an end date to your campaign to add a countdown timer. Read more about end dates β†’

  • Hide money raised – Hide the amount raised on your campaign from the public.

  • Hide supporter feed – Hide the supporter feed (the stream of posts, comments, and donations on the right side of the campaign page).

  • Hide public supporter message step – Hide the step/page in the checkout flow that allows a donor to add a public message to the supporter feed.

show your support page

If toggled on, this will remove the Show your support page from the checkout. If the supporter feed is visible on your campaign, the donor's billing name will be shown unless they have donated anonymously.

Thank you message

Write a custom thank you message (specific to this campaign) that will appear in email receipts. Read more about thank you messages and receipts β†’

​Fees & tips

Configure the fees on your campaign. Read more about fee settings β†’

  • Disable tips – By default, supporters can leave an optional tip for Givebutter. Disabling tips will increase our platform fee from 0% to 1%.

  • Hide fees – Turn this on if you'd like to hide transaction fees from supporters. Fees will be deducted from the amount donated, and absorbed by your organization.

  • Require fees – Turn this on if you'd like to require supporters to cover the transaction fees. Fees will be charged on top of the amount donated, and your organization gets the full donation amount.


  • Make this campaign unlisted – Turn this on if you'd like to hide your campaign from public view and keep it unlisted. Only those with the URL will be able to find it.

  • Delete campaign – You will only be able to delete your campaign if no transactions have been processed, even offline or test transactions.

Givebutter Experts

Enhance your campaigns and raise more with the help of our trusted consultants, freelancers, and agencies. Learn more about Experts β†’

Page FAQ πŸ€”

Why is my campaign inactive? How do I make my campaign active?

There are a few reasons why a campaign would appear inactive:

  • You haven't finished setting up your account yet Γ’β‚¬β€œ you must add valid payout information before you can go live with your first campaign.

  • Your campaign will appear inactive if you've turned off Accepting Payments on your campaign's Tools tab.

  • Your campaign has been unpublished. You'll need to turn on the Publish campaign setting on your campaign's Settings tab.

  • Your campaign has an end date set in the past, and you have not opted to Accept donations after the end date in your campaign's Settings tab. You'll need to Accept donations after the end date, or remove/edit the end date.

What is the difference between Page and Event campaigns?

Page and Event campaigns utilize a similar layout, but Page campaigns have fewer features than Event campaigns. You'll need to run an Event campaign if you'd like to sell tickets, livestream, scan tickets, and use promo codes. Page and Event campaigns both support team and team member fundraising, auctions, and the supporter feed.

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